================================================================ dna2abc Examples ================================================================ The examples directory contains a few test scripts for dna2abc. The scripts end in .tcl, the corresponding ABC file ends in .abc, and the corresponding MIDI file ends in .midi. test1.tcl Simple test, reads in.dna and oscillates up or down 1 or 2 on A, C, G, or T. test2.tcl Even simpler test, assigns a specific note to each base. test3.tcl Oscillates up or down and changes sustain. findMET.tcl Uses a frame of 3 but steps forward by 1 to find the first MET codon, and outputs its location to the standard output. No voices, so no ABC output generated. This was used to find the skip value used in the amino* tests. amino1.tcl Scans in.dna and looks for amino acid codons, and does something different for each codon. The 3-letter abbreviation of the codon is output to the standard output. amino2.tcl Like amino1, but a particular note/sustain is played for each codon. amino3.tcl Uses seqfile (see seqfile.tcl in lib-src) to output a sequence file containing single-letter codes for the amino acids coded for in in.dna. The output file is out.animo. No ABC output. protein.tcl Demonstrates that nothing about dna2abc assumes the input is a DNA sequence. Reads the out.amino file output by amino3.tcl. The scanner contains no rules, but rules could be written to trigger on certain amino acid sequences.